Our Address

Mailing Address:
2-610 Ford Drive, #218
Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W4
Phone: 416-923-3567 ext. 3325
Toll-Free: 1-877-305-2262
Email: audit@newsmediacanada.ca
Submitting reports:
We recommend that you submit reports electronically:
Upload your files to a cloud-based solution such as Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox, and then email the link for the folder location to audit@newsmediacanada.ca.
For courier shipments, contact us for the shipping address.
Do not courier shipments to the mailing address, as they will be undeliverable.
Staff Contacts
Report Submissions
To submit reports electronically, email files or folder location (e.g., Microsoft OneDrive or Dropbox) to:
You will receive an auto-reply message confirming successful transmission.
Program Manager
Tina Ongkeko, Managing Director, Member Services
Phone: 416-923-3567 ext. 3325
Email: tongkeko@newsmediacanada.ca