About CMCA

Canadian Media Circulation Audit (CMCA) is the number one circulation auditor of Canadian newspapers, providing accurate and reliable circulation figures for hundreds of newspapers and other print publications.
As Canada’s most cost-effective audit service, CMCA measures the combined market penetration of print and digital editions of hundreds of large and small publications from across the country. With rigorous audit standards and a comprehensive reporting system, CMCA provides in-depth circulation audits at an affordable rate and issues reports detailing independent verification of a publication’s circulation practices and distribution data.
CMCA statements and audit reports provide advertisers, agencies and media buyers with the credible, relevant data they need to make informed buying decisions.
CMCA is also recognized by the Department of Canadian Heritage, meaning media owners can rest assured that they’re presenting accurate, credible numbers when applying for funding through the Canada Periodical Fund and other government programs.

Join the Program
Participation in CMCA is open to community newspapers, daily newspapers, business publications and consumer magazines.
If you are interested in enrolling in the Canadian Media Circulation Audit program, download the application form and contact the CMCA office. See also the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.